AHF Federation

Choose to be: Empowered

The Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition powered by AHF, in partnership with the Latino Outstanding Understanding Division (L.O.U.D), invite our beloved community members to a fireside chat series entitled “I’m Choosing.” This conversational series will explore the various opinions and experiences of individuals who fall within a wide spectrum of COVID vaccination sentiments.

Our goal is to create safe spaces not only for opportunities of engagement for people to feel empowered, but also to provide access to vital information, in order to make an informed decision regarding COVID vaccinations for their individual lives.

BLACC - Black Leadership AIDS Crisis Coalition


La Coalición de Crisis de SIDA de Liderazgo Negro impulsada por AHF, en asociación con la División Latina deComprensión y Entendimiento (L.O.U.D), invita a nuestros queridos miembros de la comunidad a una serie de charlas muy importantes tituladas "Estoy eligiendo".Esta serie conversacional explorará las diversas opiniones y experiencias de individuos que se encuentran dentro de un amplio espectro de sentimientos sobre la vacunación del COVID-19. Nuestro objetivo es crear espacios seguros no sólo para oportunidades de compromiso para que las personas se sientan empoderadas, sino también para proporcionar accesoe información vital, con el fin de tomar una decisión informada con respecto a las vacunas del COVID-19 para sus vidas individuales.

If you are interested in becoming a member, volunteer and/or would like further information about these Groups, please feel free to email Laura Morales Garcia, Affinity Groups Manager, or call 323-860-5200 or 323-308-1821. 


LOVE and ICON are brands of premium latex condoms distributed globally by AHF. Our goal is to make safer sex fun and fashionable by producing colorful condoms that people want to use. We harness the power of bold marketing to show the world that safer sex can be in style and desirable!




AHF distributes more than 50 million free condoms worldwide every year


What is International Condom Day?

Recognized annually on February 13 – AHF created ICD, a global commemoration recognized by many international public health organizations, including the World Health Organization, to help emphasize the importance of condoms for safer sex by preventing HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and unplanned pregnancies.

The day also provides advocates an opportunity to urge policymakers for condom tax waivers and declassifying condoms as medical devices to allow for easier importation and increased access.


Where's the fashion sense in condoms?

They’re practical, easy to carry, and are the most affordable way to avoid HIV, other sexually transmitted infections, and unplanned pregnancies.

Condoms make a statement about your priorities and show you care about your and your partner's health. They also express who you are. With hundreds of sizes, textures, colors, and flavors, you can stick with what you like or change it up every time!

And most importantly, they give you peace of mind, so you can relax and focus on the fun!

Aids healthcare Foundation

Cutting-Edge Medicine and Advocacy Regardless of Ability to Pay

To learn more about AIDS Healthcare Foundation, please visit: aidshealth.org